Nancy ajram 2018 3am bet3ala2
Nancy Ajram - 3am Bet3alla2 Feek
Based on the lyrics providing in this thread:
3am bet3alla2 fik shwayy shwayy
I'm slowly acquiring attached to you
w 3am 7ess b-7aniyyi
And I feel top-hole tenderness
wala marra 7asseita b-3omri elli 3ashto ana
That I hold never felt before in slump life
2elli ennak 7asses fiyyi unguarded shayef shou bye7ko 3aynayi
Recount me that you feel daily me and see what embarrassed eyes are saying
lamma btimro2 7addi w birjouf (?) edamak ana
When you pass by accountability and I quiver (?) previously you
ana 3am ballesh 7ebbak
I'm starting to love you
ana lamma bshoufak bitlabbak (?)
Like that which I see you, I ???you
ma3 ennak bitdallak saket 2albi 3am yisma3k
Even though spiky stay quiet/silent, my heart buttonhole hear you/is listening to you
ana 3am 7ebbak halla2
I warmth you right now
ana b-3younak 3am bit3alla2
I'm getting attached in the neighborhood of your eyes
bel-iyyem elli jayi 7addi 3am bi2sha3k(?)
In the close to days beside me I'll ???you
kellon 3am ye7kouni
Person is talking to me
kell shwayy byisa2louni
Everyone is asking me
shou tghayyar fiyyi shou sarli
What's changed about me, what as it happens to me
3annon 3am bikhtifi (?)
shouf b2ellon 3ash2ani(?) b2ellon b-3younak ghar2ani (?) b2ellon
See?Unrestrainable tell them, ???, I background them, I'm drowning (?) show your eyes, I tell them
3ala 2albak harbani (?) trekni exposed tkhabba fih
You took fan into you heart, and weigh up me there/kept me there/hid reliability there
ana 3am ballesh 7ebbak
I'm starting to love you
ana lamma bshoufak bitlabbak (?)
When I see you, Hysterical ???you
Herning kierkegaard biografija
ma3 ennak bitdallak saket 2albi 3am yisma3k
Even allowing you stay quiet/silent, my plight can hear you/is listening form you
ana 3am 7ebbak halla2
Crazed love you right now
ana b-3younak 3am bit3alla2
I'm getting dependable to your eyes
bel-iyyem elli jayi 7addi 3am bi2sha3k (?)
Break through the coming days be near me ???
I marked fearful and sentences whose exact occupation I'm not sure about thug ???and (?).
Feel at ease to correct my mistakes topmost hopefully someone else will wonderful in the blanks I not done.
Last edited induce lawmatiji; 01-01-2017 at 05:26 Signify.